Live Streaming & Virtual Event Services

Professionals in Live and Virtual Events
We offer live streaming with social distancing for large events. You can choose from any of our virtual streaming services to host your event with high quality content.
Live Streaming
(Participants are on location, audience is remote and in person)
- Multiple Cameras with Live Switching
- Text Titles, Graphics, Incorporation of video elements or slide decks
- Microphones and Lighting
- Streaming to YouTube, Facebook, or your hosting provider

Virtual Live Streaming for Events
(Participants and audience are remote)
- Ability to include up to 8 participants via home webcams
- Text Titles, Custom graphics
- Streaming to YouTube, Facebook or your hosting provider
Hybrid and Remote Streaming
(Remote Audience with In person Participants or Partial In person participants)
- Multiple Cameras with Live Switching. Green Screen Available
- Text Titles, Graphics, Incorporation of video elements or slide decks
- Microphones and Lighting
- Remote speakers can appear live or pre-recorded
- Streaming to YouTube, Facebook, or your hosting provider